Wednesday, February 10, 2010


she has light brown hair and I want a color that will pop and look cute with the color of her hair. Right now she has pink nails so I need to choose another color.WHAT COLOR SHOULD i PAINT MY PUPPY'S NAILS??
There are certain kinds of nail polish that is safe for dogs . . . I paint my dogs nails too !. . . paint her nails white or black!:DWHAT COLOR SHOULD i PAINT MY PUPPY'S NAILS??
If you paint her nails, please make sure that it has been specially made for dogs because nail polish is poisoness. Red looks really cute, how about a cotton candy pink or a baby pink or a baby blue. Dont go too dark, lighter colors will deffinately look much better! LOL!!!!

Hope that helped!!!! :D
none lol. Nail polish is toxic unless you pay big money to have a groomer use that doggy nail stuff.

On the other hand, if you like colors, Soft Paws makes colored nail covers that even I admit are quite nice.

Soft Paws

Soft Claws (same thing different name)
i don't know if painting is bad or not but why don't you try them nails that are placed over the real nails they were made for dogs that live inside so they don't scratch up your floors,sofa,furniture and they come in an array of colors.
i wouldnt do it at all either

your the one that wants to paint your dogs nails but does your dog want to have it painted?

probably not

edit - lol love below comment, seriously if your gonna like dress it up, get a doll instead
Well, if your dog dies mysteriously you'll know why. You shouldn't be painting A dog's nails. Nail polish is for humans smarty pants.
The colour nature intended in the best one for your pup.

Leave the pups nails and paint yours any colour you want.
ummmmm are u crazy?? dogs hate it when u even want to touch their nails to like cut them but u want to paint them??? ur nuts!! that is like dressing up ur dog!! which is like ridiculous and its like stupid to do!!
maybe purple, pink, blue, red, clear those are all the best colors. hope i helped

I know they make nail polish just for dogs... but...why would you want to!!??

Poor thing.
You don't. Nail polish is toxic.
howabout you don't.
they make nail polish especially for dogs. i hope that is what you are using.
I wouldn't paint them at all XD
Your poor dog....
you're kidding, right?? why didn't you just get a DOLL instead of a dog...
why would you want to paint your dogs nails?
baby blue and yellow!! they are very pretty colors
haha, that's good, big momma!!

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