Thursday, February 11, 2010

I just painted my short nails dark red, but I don't like it, what color should I paint them?

A poo poo colored'll go with your nose.....or your eyes.I just painted my short nails dark red, but I don't like it, what color should I paint them?
A nude, skin matching color...Nothing darker than pantyhose that you would wear. Salmon, champagne, cotton candy, mauve...colors along those lines work for all hands.I just painted my short nails dark red, but I don't like it, what color should I paint them?
well I guess a pretty burgandy..cause its going to Fall here pretty soon..
Judging from your picture, I would say the palest, softest whisper of a pink shade you can find. Not clear, but sheer color.

Good luck!
Shiny Mauve OPI is the best!
i bite my nails and i love how short nails look black, but if that isn't your bag lighter colors look better on shorter nails.
Mine too are short. I always go with just a clear gloss... It doesn't draw attention and it makes them look well maintained and neat.
Since your nails are short, I would go with a pale pink, or sheer shade. That would compliment them the most. When you put a harsh shade like red on your nails, it can make you more self conscious. I keep the harsh and crazy shades for my toes, and keep the pale, sheer, or shimmery pales for the hands.
i say bright green be alittle adventureous!good luck!
A soft pink. I think it looks so lovely in the summer. I read that is slimming to the hands too.
You should go with a very pale pink or a clear gloss. When I put nailpolish on my short nails I feel like a 10 year old. But a very pale, subtle pink will make them look pretty without feeling like you've regressed to childhood. Try MaryKay Pink Paradise.
black but one coat so it kind of chips off it is hot
Mmm--- I was told once that short nails = dark colours.

What about that instead of change it, paint some patters on it, like small circles?

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